It can be assumed that no log book was kept between the date of opening and August 5th 1863 - or, if it was, that it was only a temporary affair which has long since been lost or destroyed.
August 5th 1863
The Revd. H.W. Bellairs H.M.I, visited this School, with Mr. Walter. Half-day holiday given by Mr. Walter.
September 22nd 1863
Sangers Circus attracted children, so obliged to give half holiday.
November 13th 1863
Attendance bad all week. Many parents had allowed children to go to Blackwater Fair although they've had bad weather at other times.
March 2nd 1864
Found a great many children unable to tell the date of the year. Took elder children to church.
May 6th 1864
Parents still continue to keep their children away on Friday afternoons to mind the "baby" while the mother is washing.
March 30th 1865
It being first fine day and having promised children half holiday, took boys to play football and girls amused themselves with their own games.
April 3rd 1865
Several children leave for potato planting.
April 5th 1865
In the afternoon the boys were very troublesome - kept till 5 o'clock as punishment.
May 17th 1865
Several children on leave to take father's dinner - who are mowing.
June 26th 1865
Eight children from Infant school could read 1st 'Pink' book fairly, 6 could not put down the no.6, none could tell what 4+1 was nor 3x3 nor take 2 from 3. Writing very bad.
1865 • 1910
December 20th 1865
Closed school for holidays and also that it may be cleaned for the luncheon on Saturday given at the Consecration of the Church.
January 15th 1866
Appointed monitors from each class to give out and collect books etc. and be responsible for the neatness of the cupboard. F. Abbott appointed bellringer.
March 5th 1866
Several children away with bad feet.
August 24th 1866
"This school has fallen off considerably in Discipline and Administration since my last visit and the condition of it is now very unsatisfactory ... Mr. Ashton has on two occasions been in a state of excitement from liquor. If Mr. Ashton's conduct and the state of the school continue to be the subject of such unsatisfactory notices. My Lords, I may be obliged to recall his Certificate under Article 76."
December 19th 1866
Mr. Ashton ceased his connection with the school ... Mr. John Gregory took charge of the school.
June 20-24th 1867
School closed Tuesday and Wednesday for the Jubilee celebration.
March 11th 1868
Punished George North for neglecting to sweep school - his second offence.
June 16th 1868
H.M. School Inspector's Report. "Arithmetic - intelligent sound. Writing - excellent. Spelling - very good. Reading - fair. Discipline perfect. Scripture knowledge - a failure in all classes. The teaching staff is quite inadequate. The Master has done all that single-handed was possible. If My Lords receive equally unfavourable reports regarding the Religious Knowledge next year they will be unable to pay the Grant claimed. Grant £37.1.4d."
September 9th 1869
James Hilton killed by a roller when going home for dinner.
January 11th 1870
Took steps for working up discipline which had got a little loose.
July 1st 1873
Commenced system of Regular Attendance Cards. These cards given every Friday to those children who have not been absent, 4 such cards obtained in 4 consecutive weeks entitle the holder to a small monthly publication such as "Children's Friend" "Child's Companion" etc. 3 cards obtain a publication of less value.
October 20-24th 1884
Attendance poor. Many children away picking up acorns which are abundant.
June 2nd 1896
"Dear Sir, The National Schools are at present the property of Mr. Walter, whose father for many years most generously lent them for the use of the parishioners at a nominal rent. Mr. Walters now wants to end this arrangement. If the sum of £400 can be raised to build an infant school and for carrying out repairs to the existing building, the Rector, Hon. Randal Parsons, most liberally, offered to purchase the schools and to hand them over to the Managers for the continuance of the present system of education. We therefore appeal to you for donation in aid of our undertaking."
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Sandhurst National School Group G - 1902 |
The Salary of the New Master £100 per annum and the house and garden with one sixth of the grant following the death of Mr. Gregory who had been the Master for 35 years. Mr. Oldham of Hale School was engaged from July 1st, 1902 with 3 month's notice given and taken, over 270 applications were received for the Post of Headmaster of which the Selection Committee saw 6.
December 16th 1910
I have completed the 2nd Term's Examination St. I and II are not up to the rest of the school. The latter class is very backward in Arithmetic.
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