
Tuesday 13 December 2011

Phylis Olive Minnie Wells nee Hedges 1906 - 1915

Memories of a former Pupil

Phylis started school in 1906. Her father was one of the first builders in Sandhurst. He did in fact build the house known as "The Holt" and Phylis remembers that Sandhurst did not have a railway station there at the time, It was quite a while later that the station was built.

The headmaster at the school was Mr. Oldham. Mrs. Oldham taught cooking lessons and their daughter Peggy was a pupil (student) teacher.

Teachers at St. Michaels at that time were:- Miss Bunch, Head of Infants, Miss Cullen, Miss Cole, Miss Kingston, Miss Hares, Maggy Evans and Dorothy James.

When asked if they used slates for their work Phylis replied that "they did indeed have paper"!! She rather favoured maths at school and the classrooms were just as they are today - numbering from one to seven.
Classrooms were heated by a coke stove. Unfortunately - or fortunately! they did not have school meals and either took sandwiches or mostly went home.

Phylis was lucky enough to own her own bicycle but was not allowed to ride it to school.

In the earlier years at St. Michael's they did not have a school uniform.

They did Maypole Dancing, Country Dancing and Folk Dancing, just as we do today.

Children played the same sort of games at playtime - like Hopscotch and marbles and one other that we don't play now -bowling hoops!

Phylis enjoyed every minute of school and could not bring to mind any horrible memories at all.

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