Retirement of Headmaster Geo. C. Oldham dating from 31st December.
May 12th 1937
School closed for King's Coronation. Carnival: sports and tea-party held in Sandhurst, this school participating. Each child received a souvenir mug and those 7 and under were given a medal before leaving school.
September 12th 1939
Altogether 10 children privately evacuated have been admitted.
November 1st 1939
Mr. Shaw called to discuss the selection of a suitable room to be used in case of air raids. The middle room was selected and it was decided to board up the skylight and cover the windows with half inch wire netting.
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1940 School register excerpt, showing evacuee children attending the school |
February 3rd 1941
Electric light has been installed in the Senior room, with a power point, and is in use for the first time today.
February 11th 1941
A film projector has been purchased for the school, all funds being accumulated by the efforts of the Staff and Pupils.
August 14th 1942
School opened for supervision of children whose mothers are engaged in war work. Four present.
September 26th 1943
Provision of school dinners commenced today.
May 8th & 9th 1945
School closed for Victory in Europe holiday, after hoistings of flag and decorations and a short service of thanksgiving and singing of National songs.
November 11th 1947
I today purchased a wireless set for the school at a cost of £27, the money being taken from the Sports Fund.
April 26th 1948
Half holiday this afternoon for Royal Silver Wedding.
October 13th 1948
45 children taken to see the Olympiad Film this morning.
January 19th 1950
I received from the Education Office today a film strip projector.
February 6th 1950
Electric light extended to middle room and entrance lobby.
September 7th 1950
A kitchen has been added to the dining room.
September 22nd 1950
The first meal was cooked on the premises today.
January 15th 1952
The King's Funeral. The children all watched television in school today and observed two minutes silence.
May 29th 1953
This afternoon the school celebrated the forthcoming coronation of the Queen by holding a short concert, including patriotic items. Souvenir beakers provided by the Education Committee.
March 22nd 1954
All children except Infants taken to Camberley this morning to see the film "The Conquest of Everest".
January 18th 1906
Warning of Broadmoor escape received about. 10.15 a.m. and prepared scheme put into operation. No notification of end of warning received from Chief C. so local police were contacted at 2.30p.m. to find that escaped prisoner had been recaptured by 11.45a.m.
April 5th 1957
It was brought to my notice that several of the older boys were, or had been, in possession of live ammunition (small calibre).
January 6th 1959
Work has begun on installation of modern toilets and hot water supply.
March 28th 1962
At a meeting of the School Managers held today it was decided that a Fete be held on 9th June this year in aid of Centenary Funds. A Parents Committee has been formed and preparations for this event are being made.
June 9th 1962
A very successful "Centenary Fete" was held today and raised £120 for Centenary Funds.
January 1965
A television set "has been installed during the holiday. (PCC gift).
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