
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Extracts from St Michael's 150th Visitors' Book - Part 3

Matthew Stokes- Pupil 1984-1989
St Michael’s will always have a place in my heart- what a wonderful school. I remember celebrating the 125th anniversary very well so it’s lovely to be back here for the 150th. Great to see the spirit and community feel has continued with the current pupils and staff. So much has stayed the same- even the same hobby horse and water fountain! And yet the school still evolves to be a great school for Sandhurst. Many congratulations on your 150th- looking forward to the 175th- and 200th.....! (sadly the main thing to deteriorate is my handwriting –sorry Mrs Morton!)

Ann Morton
What an amazing experience! I spent Friday meeting and talking to former colleagues, pupils, today Saturday have been incredibly impressed by the quality of work on display around the hall. I have never seen such beautiful handwriting- it really enhances all the research and enthusiasm of the children themselves. Congratulations to staff, pupils and parents of St Michael’s school.

Denise Kaye
I enjoyed being shown around by Toby Dossett. My children all came to the school and enjoyed every minute of it. We have all good memories of St Michael’s. I was a dinner lady for two years and have worked in the school kitchen for nearly 12 years. I really enjoy my time with all the children. It was also nice to catch up with all the teachers who taught my children.

Rebecca Brown (nee Steele) 1972-1979
(now a music/primary school teacher for Bracknell Forest)
What a lovely celebration. Lovely informative displays and a delicious cream tea. I have very fond memories of my primary school days here with Mr Maskell as the headteacher. Some of my favourite memories are sewing afternoons with Mrs Morton, recorder playing with Mrs Cole, swimming in the open air swimming pool, playing hopscotch, playing rounders over on the school field and making project books.

Catherine Wilkins(nee Holmes) 1969-75
Fantastic to see how much hard work has gone into the Anniversary celebrations. The displays of work were very interesting and we were well looked after by Dominic who showed us around so helpfully, and by those who waited on us. I’ve had a lovely trip down Memory Lane, have enjoyed meeting many people from the past.

Rosemary Dobson
it was lovely to see so much of the school’s history- much of which I did not seem to be aware of when I was involved as a parent in the 1990s. The school’s buildings and surrounding and the school itself is of course have so much more to offer than many more modern ones.

Jane Armstrong
Happy Birthday St Michael’s
It was lovely to visit St Michael’s where i spent 5 happy years as a teaching assistant. Callum Mitchell from Y5 showed me around and was the perfect host. The school has changed but still seems the same and I found the museum fascinating. I also enjoyed seeing all the familiar faces and marvelled at how the children have grown in the past 2 years.

Liz Penn
What a fabulous presentation of the past 150 years of our wonderful school. So much effort by pupils and staff. Please preserve this somehow for future generations.

Nileih Raj
Congratulations on reaching a historic milestone. The museum is very interesting and well done to all the children and teachers. All the Best St Michael’s

Mrs Gill Steel
Congratulations on your anniversary. The time and effort that has gone into the museum is incredible. Well done to everyone. The standard of work and the displays are wonderful. What a great trip down memory lane.

Natalie Bishop
I attended this school from 1978-1982 I have such lovely memories of St Michael’s. The teachers that taught me were Mrs Cox, Mrs Williams, Mrs Morton, Mr Burch. I remember in particular country dancing and maypole dancing, learning to swim (not very successfully!) But did obtain all my gymnastic awards. I remember learning French with Mrs Morton. We knew all the French underground stations and also had a mock up shop in the corridor. At the end of term we had a film show in the hall

Karon Purvey nee Doe
I loved playing marbles and French skipping in the playground. (I was at St Michael’s from 1963-1969) I learned to swim in the school swimming pool.

Miss Stephanie Brant(Ex teaching assistant)
My time with Ducklings was a very happy one! St Michael’s was and is a truly fantastic school! I remember the Bishop of Reading opening the new Ducklings play area. Also I laid out and drew the outline for the Rainbow stained glass window in the corridor!
Long may the school prosper!

June Heath
What a lovely afternoon and how kind of you to invite me. The school hall sounded just the same as school lunches used to do when I was there and everyone seemed to enjoy the cream tea. Well who wouldn’t. Grace was my guide and very good at it she was- they all seemed a credit to you. St Michael’s always had a good name for the pupils being well mannered- a teacher at Sandhurst school told me he knew straight away when new pupils were from St Michael’s. Thank you again and I was sorry to miss Emilee . I send her my love.

Paula Peregrine 
What a fabulous celebration of a wonderful achievement 150 years of a fantastic school. The service was good, the children remarkable, the museum is a credit to both pupils and staff. A lot of hard work – a delight to read.

Val Holmes ( mother of ex pupils Juliet and Catherine )
A wonderful display of work by the children of the various periods of history from  the early years of the school to the present day. Out guide was very helpful and we were impressed by how polite and confident all the pupils are. The cream tea was excellent- with waiters and waitresses in attendance(so helpful)!

Jenny Thorn
Thank you so much for inviting me to see the wonderful display of work and to ahve a delicious cream tea. Keep up the good work!

Lauraine Briggs
The Let’s Get Cooking children were a credit to the school. They all worked really hard. The scones were beautiful.

Tracy Kauppila
The kids were wonderful, polite and a credit to the school.

Sophie Widman Year 5 
It was wonderful!. A brilliant way to celebrate. We had fireworks, hog roast, hot dogs, cream and church service. I am so grateful to be at this school celebrating  the 150th Anniversary.

Karen Bird 1964-1970
Great trip down memory lane A lovely afternoon with many happy memories
Karen Spence

Karen Morton 1964-1970 pupil 
Thank you lovely memories and great to catch up with old friends.

The Mc Ewan family 2000-2010
Thank you – A lovely afternoon reminiscing.
Bernard Heather Phoebe Imogen

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